What did you say Rebecca? Hot Cross Bun and Butter Pudding…. Oh yes, that’s right you heard me; totally scrumptious gluten free and vegan Hot Cross Butter Pudding. This is my seasonal version of the awesome Bread and Butter Pudding but with the simple twist that it’s; gluten free, dairy free and egg free too (depending on the gluten free hot cross buns you use).

What’s the history behind the Hot Cross Bun
Hot Cross Buns, Hot Cross Buns, One ha’penny, Two ha’penny, Hot Cross Buns!
If you have no daughters, Give them to your sons,
One ha’penny, Two ha’penny, Hot Cross Buns
Does that bring back memories? It does me. I definitely sung this at school either in assembly or the classroom or the playground. In fact, I seem to recall singing it to Bethany and Lewis when they were young too. So where does the Hot Cross Bun come from and what is the significance of the famous Hot Cross Bun? Well as with most old religious linked traditions – nobody is really 100% sure.
I could leave you hanging there….

…I won’t, I shall educate you in the little folk law that is known about these delicious seasonal spiced buns.
One theory is that the Hot Cross Bun originates from St Albans, where Brother Thomas Rodcliffe, a 14th Century monk at St Albans Abbey, developed a similar recipe called an ‘Alban Bun’ and distributed the bun to the local poor on Good Friday, starting in 1361 [source: Wikipedia]
However, other websites seem to suggest that the ancient Greeks made them too. Sorry Brother Tom, you were beaten to the finishing post.
The buns can be found widely In Ireland, UK and as far abroad as New Zealand, Australia, Canada and India, so it’s not clear where it originated (however, there seems to be a common colonial factor here, so maybe it started here in the UK?)

Hot Cross Buns are eaten every Good Friday in Christian communities. They are symbolic of this significant day in Christian faith, when Jesus was crucified. Each bun is decorated with a cross made from flour paste (this originally was a pastry cross, but in that last few hundred years changed to something a little more palatable). The cross, as you’d expect, represents the cross on which Christ died. The spices in hot cross buns are said to represent the spices which were used to embalm Christ after his death. I’m not sure what the raisins or currants represent, I dread to think!
According to folk law, if you hang a bun on Good Friday, it will stay fresh all year. I’m not going to put this to test, especially with a gluten free one. Mind you, I could use it to throw at cold callers; who knows the damage it could cause.
They were also believed, if baked on Good Friday, to have medicinal qualities and travellers would take them on long journeys .
While this is all very lovely, as a historian I find the evidence lacking so I’m just happy to think of the humble Hot Cross Bun as a lovely Easter treat, perfectly toasted, buttered and enjoyed with a strong cup of Yorkshire Tea.

Other recipes that are similar to this Bun and Butter Pudding
I’d be silly not to link to my very own Bread & Butter Pudding a timeless family favourite, then there’s my Chocolate Orange Bread & Butter Pudding which is the latter but with a delicious twist. Finally, moving off on a slight tangent the traditional Bread Pudding which is a recipe my Nanny used with my very own recipe for gluten free suet.
I’ll just lean my little trumpet up against this chair and crack on with the recipe now shall I?

Gluten Free Hot Cross Bun and Butter Pudding Recipe
If you make it and like the recipe I would be eternally grateful if you popped back and commented leaving a star rating as this will tell search engines that this recipe is worth checking out and others will get to find it in searches.

Gluten Free Hot Cross Bun and Butter Pudding
- 6 gluten free hot cross buns cut into 3 layers and buttered
- 2 tbsp Bird's original custard powder
- 50 g dried mixed fruit just a sprinkling over each layer to taste
- 2 tbsp caster sugar I used demerera
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
- 1 pint dairy free milk or any suitable DF alternative
- apricot jam to brush bun tops
- Cut the Hot Cross Buns into three slices and butter each slice
- Prepare the custard by mixing a little of the milk (or dairy free alternative) with the custard powder and 2tbsp of sugar to a paste then add the remaining milk, nutmeg and cinnamon and whisk, set aside until your ready to pour.
- Grease your oven proof dish and start to add a layer the sliced buns, sprinkle a handful of mixed fruit and repeat process until all layers are added – tops of buns last so you get the full Hot Cross Bun effect!
- Pour the lightly spiced custard liquid over the layered buns and cover with greased foil.
- Pop into the oven for 30 mins on 200°C | 180°C fan | 400°F | Gas 6
- Remove from oven after 30 minutes and take off the foil, brush bun tops liberally with apricot jam and return to oven for 10 minutes to caramelise.
- Serve hot with lashings of delicious free from custard or dairy free cream.
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*disclaimer: I use affiliate codes on my website, the vast majority are to Amazon. If you click on any of the links or images in the post and make a purchase my family will benefit from a small % of that purchase at no extra cost to you.
For full transparency, in 2020 I made my first £25, and in 2022 I reached my next £25 (Amazon don’t transfer the money until you reach £25). Recently I got paid a whopping £27.10 for 2023.
So to date I have made £78.58 since I first started the scheme in 2017. It won’t pay the bills, that’s for sure but it does help to pay for ingredients or little treats to cheer me up!
I would really like the Gluten Free Hot Cross Bun recipe.
I would also like to know that you mean by “regular” Gluten Free Flour. Is that with Xanthan Gum or without? Do you have a particular brand you like?
Hi there Margaret, regarding the ‘regular’ gluten free flour, was that in this recipe or another as this recipe does not use flour due to the fact you’re using ready-made shop bought hot cross buns? I personally do not have a recipe for Hot Cross Buns but if you’d like to check out Gluten Free Alchemist, or Free From Fairy, I know they both have lovely GF recipes if you’d rather make your own from scratch.
Yes please! I love hot cross buns and this is taking it to the next level.
That looks so good! Love that it’s gluten and dairy free too – you’re so clever!
Thank you lovely – if I’m to enjoy my baking alongside the rest of the family I have to be clever hahaha x
These cross buns looks so delicious! I have honestly never made buns, but your recipe has inspired me and definitely trying this for upcoming Easter.
Oh I just love this idea – I’ve done something similar with Birds custard powder for a vegan bread & butter pudding, but using hot cross buns takes this to a whole new level! Love it.
This was an updated recipe so this was back in 2017 when I first did this, however, I’ve come across a new product called Crak’d recently and wondered if it would work in my GF Bread a& Butter Pudding – It DOES! so I’ve reshot photos and am in process of updating that recipe too to make it vegan xx
These sound delicious! I love bread and butter pudding and I love hot cross buns! Double win :) #BlogCrush
Thank you, so do I, in fact, it’s one of those puddings that tastes better the day after too…if it lasts that long!
I think you need to come and stay with me and be my personal chef… just saying! This looks amazing
Haha, I’d love to but this house would fall down or blow up or get sucked into a sink hole while I’m away!! :-D
My little Beanie is obsessed with hot cross buns (seriously, she’d sneak out in the middle of the night to eat one!) and she would love your pudding! Thanks for joining in with #FreeFromFridays.
Oh lovely, maybe I’ll have to make her some one day xx
oh my I love the idea of a hot cross bun bread and butter pudding. Now I can eat my weight in hot cross buns so it could be a struggle to keep some just to make the pudding but I think I will.
Well they’re only supposed to come out once a year so I think this level of indulgence is allowed ;-)
This recipe looks great!!
Can´t wait to try it.
Thanks for sharing
BRILLIANT!!!! Loved the strategically placed buns at the beginning :-D And what a great idea for a free from Easter treat! Thanks for linking it up to #CookBlogShare :-) Eb x
Haha, I did have fun doing that intro ;-)
Love this, this is my ideal pudding so another on the list for this weekend, thank you!
Aw thank you Nova, I have a very long list of things I’d like to make this weekend! I’m going to have enough to feed the street at this rate!
Loving the naked look! Beautiful! I did giggle at your buns strategically placed at the beginning. This pudding looks delicious! The hubby would adore it! x
Oh love your linky love link Kirsty, adore French Toast, I’m afraid I can’t eat eggs now so pining :-(
You’re a pro, video is excellent! Such a great idea, I know some little people who would love this pudding!
Thank you Laura, ooh, I hope the littuns like it xx
Great buns! You should wear them more often…. They suit you! Looks like you got into making the vlog even with the interruption! Well done….. Not sure I will ever have the confidence to do it.
The bun pudding looks lovely! x
hahaha, you notice that did you! it was Brett’s mobile, he’d come in from work and left it on the side without me realising! Glad you liked my buns ;-)
I didn’t even know Waitrose had a ‘free from’ range! Ha ha, love our little group and our mad challenges! I loved your video. Really found your voice mesmerising (you should do audiobook recording!). x
Funny that, I find your voice lovely to listen to too! xxx
Love the buns! I am not a fan of bread and butter pudding but I might be persuaded by this… Lovely to see you on screen in your lovely kitchen!
Thank you Vicki, I miss B&B pudding so much, it’s always better the second day too, this is a pretty darn good vegan alternative!
Oh wow Rebecca – my mouth is watering at the thought of this! Might be appearing on our table tomorrow – just need to find some custard powder.
Lovely Mandy, spread the pudding love! :-)
Hahaha!! I love it! Looking good in just your hot cross buns!! LOL! great bake too xxx
As if I would REALLY go naked….that would be shocking! Hehe, you inspired me to do this version though ;-)